Since ancient times, stories told around campfires have lifted the spirits of people frightened by the lengthening darkness of winter. You and I know that spring will return and that another sunrise is on the horizon of even the bleakest night, but stories of hope and happiness--and even ghosts and goblins--are still a treasured tradition when the weather starts to get chilly.
This winter, enjoy a gift of stories from your North High Library. If you would like help choosing some tales to take home with you over the break, fill out our Winter Reading Grab Bag order form before Friday, December 10, and your friendly school librarian will choose 2-3 books just for you, wrap them up pretty, and deliver them to you before we go vacation! Of course, you can always visit the library and choose something from the shelves on your own.
Whether you celebrate a holiday in December or just enjoy the deep peace of winter, I hope the charms of the season gladden your heart and lighten your burdens well into 2022!
-Ms. Masters
New Staff Favorite!

Ms. Fisher, a North High paraeducator and graduate of the class of 2015, has recently discovered a new favorite author: Shaun David Hutchinson. She enjoys his books because:
"They are all completely unique. I feel like most books use the same themes, which is great, but his are unique. I don't know what's going to happen by the end of the page, let alone by the end of each book!"
The North High Library has a complete collection of Hutchinson's books, some available only in print and others in audio and electronic form, too. Check one out today!
Best of 2021
Who doesn't love a good end-of-year roundup? Check out the hits of 2021 at North High below--click on the titles for more information about these student favorites!
Most popular fiction: It, by Stephen King
Most popular nonfiction: Stonewall, by David Carter
Most popular e-book: (Don't) Call Me Crazy, edited by Kelly Jensen
Most popular audio book: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, by V.E. Schwab
COVID protocols
COVID cases are on the rise again in Los Angeles County. The county, the school district, and North High all have safety protocols in place to minimize the effects of this pandemic. In the library this means:
A maximum of 60 people inside at a time
Respecting signs on tables and chairs which indicate where to sit in order to maintain social distance
Sitting in an appropriate seat and avoiding wandering around, especially in groups.
Wearing masks which completely cover the nose and mouth at all times--this means no eating or drinking inside, which has always been the library's policy
I want you to enjoy your time in the library and I know that is difficult to do when the librarian is harassing you about your mask and where you're sitting. I don't enjoy doing it, either. Please do both of us a favor and follow our COVID protocols without having to be asked.
-Ms. Masters
No-Stress Book Club
Read what you want and come when you can! The theme for December is holidays--from any time of year! We will meet to discuss our reading on Wednesday, January 5. For more information and book recommendations, visit the library's website.
Follow us!
Why do we care if you follow us on Instagram or TikTok? Well, for one thing it's kinda fun. But the library also uses social media to communicate things you might like to know, such as library closures and special events. We are also looking for great social media content. If you think you can make the library go viral, email Ms. Masters your idea at masters.caitlin@tusd.org!
Give a Gift!
If you think of the North High Library as you're doing your holiday shopping this year, you can access our wish list on Amazon!