May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Each year, the U.S. designates May to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and its impact on the well-being of all Americans. Talking about mental health and illness can be hard, but we are stronger together, and one of the most empowering things about speaking up is the knowledge that you are not alone, no matter how much you may feel otherwise. The North High Library is here for you and is committed to providing all Saxons with the help and support you deserve.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers a comprehensive list of resources for Los Angeles-area residents struggling with everything from suicidal thoughts and panic disorders to addiction and PTSD. It's overwhelming to sift through if you need immediate help, though, so here is a quick way to reach out:
Text HOME to 741741
A free, confidential, 24/7 support line for those in crisis in the U.S. Within minutes, a live trained crisis counselor will answer your text. It’s been instrumental in helping millions of people, and especially teens.
For a sampling of books on the topic of mental health, come to the library after May 17 or visit our homepage!!
Also in May
The North High Library celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Jewish American Heritage Month. For more information and great reading lists, visit the library after May 17 or check out the "Books" page of the library's website!

Free Summer Reading
Every summer, the audiobook-review website AudioFile offers SYNC, a summer reading program in which students can use Sora to download free audio books each week from April 27 to August 2. Each week on Thursday, a pair of books united by a single theme becomes available--but you gotta get 'em before the new ones are released the next Thursday! This coming week's theme is "Classics Reimagined for Our Time." For setup instructions and a preview of the rest of this season's books, visit the library's website!
Books for week of May 4-10
Life After High School
The end of the school year is approaching, which means students' thoughts are turning toward what comes next. Worried about getting along on your own for the first time? Khan Academy, which has thousands of free classes in every imaginable academic subject, also provides complete courses and individual classes in life skills like online safety and personal finance.
If you're headed to college and trying to decide on a course of study, the Study Hall YouTube channel presents--among other great resources--a "Fast Guides to Electives and Majors" series which offers an in-depth look at a variety of college majors as well as common jobs associated with each degree, median salaries for each major, and helpful classes you can take in high school to prepare for the major of your choice.
Library Closures
4/29-5/17: The library will be closed during this time due to AP testing. The security of the test is very important, so please do not enter the library if you are not taking a scheduled AP exam.
After-school tutoring has been relocated to the College and Career Center (K1) for the duration of the APs. Directions for checking out and returning books, and for using computers and printers are on the sign in front of the library. Even when you can't come inside, we can usually help you at the textbook window. Don't be afraid to stop and ring the bell!
Book Delivery
Because of AP testing, you can't come in the library, so we're bringing the library to you. Use our catalog to browse for a book you'd like to read, then order it online, and it will be delivered straight to your classroom!
Follow Us
To stay up to date with library news, closures, events, contests, etc, follow us on Instagram @NorthHighLibrary!

Not sure what you've got checked out? You can find out for yourself on Alexandria.
May the Fourth be with you!