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  • Writer's pictureMs. Masters

#SaxonsRead: September 2024 Newsletter

Updated: 1 day ago

Welcome back, Saxons! As we begin this new school year, we want to remind you that the library is a special place on campus. It's designed with a specific purpose in mind: to be a quiet escape from the chaos of the rest of the school, where you can explore, learn, create, and rest in a peaceful environment.

The library is set up the way it is because that’s how it best serves its purpose. The arrangement of the furniture, the organization of the books, and the availability of resources are all carefully planned to help you find, evaluate, consume, create, and distribute information as efficiently as possible. To keep it that way, please DON'T redecorate and please DO return borrowed items in the same condition and to the same spot from which you took them.

We are here to support you in any way that you need, but we also want to give you the space to relax and to get your work done without interruptions. To keep us from ragging on you nonstop or, worse, asking you to leave, please respect the library and its materials. We love offering games, crafts, and other goodies, but we need your cooperation to keep everything in good condition.

Whether you're diving into a novel, researching for a project, or just finding a quiet place to think, the library is here for you. Let's make this year a story worth telling—one page at a time. Happy reading!

-Ms. Masters & Mrs. Clarkson

National Hispanic Heritage Month

Each year from September 15 to October 15, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month. During this time, we recognize the contributions of Hispanic and Latino people to the United States, and celebrate those people whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.

Find books by and about people of Hispanic and Latino heritage on our website or in the library beginning September 16!

Summer Reading

Mrs. Clarkson: This summer I read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. This was a story about a boy who went on an epic quest for treasure and learned a lot of important life lessons along the way.  If you enjoy fables - you will like this one! It's also available in digital formats on the Sora app or

Ms. Masters: The Indifferent Stars Above is nonfiction about the Donner party, a group of American pioneers who migrated to California in a wagon train from the Midwest in the 1840s. Their story has reached mythological status in California, but I didn't really know the details, so the actual historical facts were pretty fascinating. If a sordid tale of epically bad choices, betrayal, and cannibalism sounds appealing to you, then the fact that this story is real is really gonna blow your mind!

Pardon Our Dust!

As always, we are rearranging the library to make it better and easier for you to use. This means that things are physically shifting inside the building--look for both permanent and temporary signage to help you find stuff. We are also getting accustomed to brand new library management software, which controls the details of what books we have, where they're located, how we check them in and out, and how we communicate with patrons like you. If you're confused by the catalog, let us know, and if you see us struggling to perform what should be a very basic task, please be patient.

The good and bad news: Migrating patron and checkout data from the old system to the new is difficult and time consuming, so we haven't brought over records that go further back than last year. The good news is this may clear fines and fees for lost or overdue books that you may have had. The bad news is that we now don't have this money to purchase new books to replace those you never turned in. So do us a HUGE important favor: If you have books or other library materials from several years ago, turn them in as soon as you find them, even if you don't see them on your record anymore. We need those back so we can give them to students who need them for current classes.

If you still have books or materials checked out from last year, you have missed every deadline we've given you to turn them in without consequences. Now, if you turn them in this year, a $5 late fee will be added to your account. At the end of this year, those late materials will be marked as missing and their full replacement costs will be added to your account.

Follow Us

For book recommendations, library announcements, and event reminders, follow us on Instagram @NorthHighLibrary!

Library Policies

The bottom line: You are responsible for what is checked out on your library record. DO inspect your books before you walk away from checkout to make sure that they’re in good condition, and DON'T share books or lockers with friends! You are also responsible for reading and understanding all of the library's policies. If you have questions, please ask library staff.

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