You belong at the library!
Did you know that your North High Library is not just about books? You belong here if you love to read, but you also belong here any time you want to escape from the chaos of the quad. Visit the library when you want to quietly:
Study alone, with a partner, or in a small group
Get a book recommendation
Read a book or magazine
Check out a textbook
Check out a personal reading book
Access the internet
Type or print school assignments
Ask the librarian for help finding information or resources
Attend library events or programming
Listen to music or watch videos using earbuds or headphones
Play a card or board game
Use office or art supplies
Even if you don't consider yourself a reader, I hope that you'll stop by some time this year and see how you can belong at the North High Library!
Ms. Masters
NHS Teacher Librarian
Big Changes in the Library!

We’ve done some rearranging in the library this summer! Previously, all our fiction (that’s stories that aren’t true) was arranged around the back walls of the library in alphabetical order by the author’s last name as in the picture to the right.
Now, this layout is great if you know exactly what book you want and who wrote it. But honestly, how often do you walk into the library with that information? Mostly students just want to browse until they find something that looks appealing, but all those book spines lined up one against the next is kind of overwhelming.

If you’re someone who’s ever asked library staff where the mystery or romance sections are, then you’ll love our new arrangement, seen in the photo to the left. You’ll notice quite a few books have their covers facing out, so you can browse them more easily. And the spines that you do see all have a yellow sticker on them. The color of the sticker indicates the book’s genre--in this case, realistic fiction. They’re all together in the same spot, now!
We’re still doing some work to complete this project, so you may struggle to find a book you’re looking for right now. Please don’t hesitate to ask Ms. Masters or Mrs. Clarkson for help when you need it!
National Hispanic Heritage Month
Each year from September 15 to October 15, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month. During this time, we recognize the contributions of Hispanic and Latino people to the United States, and celebrate those people whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.
Find books by and about people of Hispanic and Latino heritage in the library (beginning September 15) or on our website!
Turn In Books
If you have one or more textbooks from last year, please return them to the library ASAP so that this year’s students have the materials they need to be successful in class. If you’re not sure what you have checked out, you can access your library account online.
This announcement is especially important for 12th-graders. Don’t wait until your graduation activities start to clear your library records!
Follow Us
For book recommendations, library announcements, and event reminders, follow us on Instagram @NorthHighLibrary!
Library Policies
The bottom line: You are responsible for what is checked out on your library record. DO inspect your books before you walk away from checkout to make sure that they’re in good condition, and DON'T share books or lockers with friends! You are also responsible for reading and understanding all of the library's policies. If you have questions, please ask library staff.